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About Us

We provide 100% hand-drawn paintings worldwide by professional artist teams. Every art piece of your loved ones is one-of-a-kind, based on your comments and ideas.

*See your customized draft BEFORE paying any deposit, doesn't hurt to give it a try!

We use eco-friendly & high-quality canvas paper to make the paintings. You can choose any customized size and style, and choose to have a frame to decorate your lovely artwork!

Start your journey today, and turn your precious into evermore paintings!

See Our Lastest Collection!

    Drafting+Paying deposit

    | STEP 1

    Start your journey by contacting us through email, and tell us about the loved ones you wish to draw. Send us all the photos and details you would like us to know! After we discuss all the details, our professional artists will start their drafting based on your request. Patiently wait for us to send the draft to your email. After your approval, please select DEPOSIT Payment option on out website to make it proceed.


    | STEP 2

    After we receive the deposit, we offer UNLIMITED revision, and promise a 100% SATISFACTION for the draft before coloring. Then, please allow 2-3weeks to make the final art piece, during which time we will send process photos and videos to you through email.

    Minor Revision+Drying

    | STEP 3

    The painting is almost done by this time, you can ask for minor changes to the work, but major compositions and colors are not changeable. Please allow the painting to dry thoroughly under natural conditions before we pack the painting as careful as we can. Packing video will be send to you to ensure intactness and mail it to your address as soon as possible.All customers will enjoy free shipping.


    | STEP 4

    Please wait patiently for your package to arrive! Since all the work is customized and unlimited revision is provided, we are sorry to inform that we DO NOT accept returns and refunds. Any comments on websites will win a coupon for your next order, anything will be greatly appreciated!

    Can’t find the answers you’re looking for? Contact Us.



    4-5 weeks, process period varies according to different peaks of time (we receive more orders during holidays and breaks, please bear with us). Please allow a natural drying process for oil paintings. Thank you for your patience, we are as exciting as you are to see how the artwork fit into your place!


    Depending on the size; style; and number of subject you choose. Here are some price-size references you may want to konw:

    💰8"*12": $120-$245

    💰12"*16": $245-$320

    💰16"*24": $320-$395

    💰24"*32": $395-$470

    SIZE UP & ADD SUBJECTS & ADD FRAME require additional fees, you are more than welcome to ask about it based on your pictures and thoughts through email!


    A high-quality photo needs to be clear, especially for human or pet portrait. A photo with high resolution and taken under bright natural light will be appreciated (at or about 2M).

    *Don't worry if you want to combine different details into one painting, send us as many photos as you wish. Minor details like facial expressions; gestures; or color can be communicated by details.


    Both Paypal, credit card, debit card, and other payment methods are accepted.

    We accept 30% of your full payment deposit before drafting, and rest of the payment (70%) after you make final check on the artwork and before shipping. Sorry for the inconvenience of the payment, we want to provide 100% satisfaction before you pay. Your Idea Matters To Us!